S.1: Physical Science

S.1.GLE.1: Newton?s laws of motion and gravitation describe the relationships among forces acting on and between objects, their masses, and changes in their motion ? but have limitations

S.1.GLE.1.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.1.GLE.1.IQ.2: Why do equal but opposite action and reaction forces not cancel?

Fan Cart Physics

S.1.GLE.2: Matter has definite structure that determines characteristic physical and chemical properties

S.1.GLE.2.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.1.GLE.2.IQ.1: What patterns can be observed in the properties of elements and families in the periodic table?

Electron Configuration

S.1.GLE.2.RA: Relevance and Application:

S.1.GLE.2.RA.4: The unique properties of nanoscale particles provide special benefits and dangers.

Electron Configuration

S.1.GLE.3: Matter can change form through chemical or nuclear reactions abiding by the laws of conservation of mass and energy

S.1.GLE.3.RA: Relevance and Application:

S.1.GLE.3.RA.1: Products formed in different types of reactions are useful to people. For example, polymerase reactions making nylon.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations
Equilibrium and Concentration

S.1.GLE.3.N: Nature of Science:

S.1.GLE.3.N.1: Critically evaluate chemical and nuclear change models.

Chemical Changes
Equilibrium and Concentration
Nuclear Decay

S.1.GLE.4: Atoms bond in different ways to form molecules and compounds that have definite properties

S.1.GLE.4.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.1.GLE.4.IQ.2: What role do electrons play in different types of chemical bonds?

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

S.1.GLE.4.RA: Relevance and Application:

S.1.GLE.4.RA.3: Living systems create and use various chemical compounds such as plants making sugars from photosynthesis and chemicals that can be used as medicine, and endocrine glands producing hormones.

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

S.1.GLE.5: Energy exists in many forms such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, radiant, thermal, and nuclear, that can be quantified and experimentally determined

S.1.GLE.5.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.1.GLE.5.IQ.1: What factors can be measured to determine the amount of energy associated with an object?

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

S.1.GLE.5.IQ.4: What makes some forms of energy hard to measure?

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

S.1.GLE.6: When energy changes form, it is neither created not destroyed; however, because some is necessarily lost as heat, the amount of energy available to do work decreases

S.1.GLE.6.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.1.GLE.6.IQ.1: Why is 100 percent efficiency impossible in an energy transformation?

Energy Conversion in a System
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

S.1.GLE.6.IQ.2: How does the law of conservation of energy help us solve problems involving complex systems?

Air Track
Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

S.1.GLE.6.IQ.3: Scientists or engineers often say energy is ?lost.? Is there a word that might be better than ?lost?? Why?

Energy Conversion in a System

S.1.GLE.6.N: Nature of Science:

S.1.GLE.6.N.2: Ask testable questions and make a falsifiable hypothesis about the conservation of energy, and use an inquiry approach to find an answer.

Air Track
Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

S.2: Life Science

S.2.GLE.1: Matter tends to be cycled within an ecosystem, while energy is transformed and eventually exits an ecosystem

S.2.GLE.1.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.2.GLE.1.IQ.1: How does a change in abiotic factors influence the stability or progression of an ecosystem?

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Pond Ecosystem

S.2.GLE.1.IQ.2: What happens when the cycling of matter in ecosystems is disrupted?

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle

S.2.GLE.1.N: Nature of Science:

S.2.GLE.1.N.1: Address differences between experiments where variables can be controlled and those where extensive observations on a highly variable natural system are necessary to determine what is happening ? such as dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico.


S.2.GLE.2: The size and persistence of populations depend on their interactions with each other and on the abiotic factors in an ecosystem

S.2.GLE.2.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.2.GLE.2.IQ.1: How do keystone species maintain balance in ecosystems?

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

S.2.GLE.2.IQ.2: How does the introduction of a non-native species influence the balance of an ecosystem?

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

S.2.GLE.2.RA: Relevance and Application:

S.2.GLE.2.RA.1: Earth?s carrying capacity is limited, and as the human population grows, we must find ways to increase the production of resources all people need to live.

Rabbit Population by Season

S.2.GLE.3: Cellular metabolic activities are carried out by biomolecules produced by organisms

S.2.GLE.3.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.2.GLE.3.IQ.2: How does one know that enzymes speed up chemical reactions?

Collision Theory

S.2.GLE.4: The energy for life primarily derives from the interrelated processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Photosynthesis transforms the sun?s light energy into the chemical energy of molecular bonds. Cellular respiration allows cells to utilize chemical energy when these bonds are broken.

S.2.GLE.4.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.2.GLE.4.IQ.1: What variables can be manipulated to change the rate of photosynthesis?

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

S.2.GLE.4.IQ.2: What variables affect the rate of cell respiration?

Cell Energy Cycle

S.2.GLE.4.N: Nature of Science:

S.2.GLE.4.N.2: Critically evaluate models for photosynthesis and cellular respiration, and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Cell Energy Cycle
Pond Ecosystem

S.2.GLE.5: Cells use passive and active transport of substances across membranes to maintain relatively stable intracellular environments

S.2.GLE.5.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.2.GLE.5.IQ.2: Why is it important that cell membranes are selectively permeable?

Cell Structure

S.2.GLE.5.N: Nature of Science:

S.2.GLE.5.N.1: Ask testable questions and make a falsifiable hypothesis about how cells transport materials into and out of the cell and use an inquiry approach to find the answer.


S.2.GLE.7: Physical and behavioral characteristics of an organism are influenced to varying degrees by heritable genes, many of which encode instructions for the production of proteins

S.2.GLE.7.RA: Relevance and Application:

S.2.GLE.7.RA.4: There are implications to inheriting DNA replication errors.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

S.2.GLE.7.N: Nature of Science:

S.2.GLE.7.N.2: Understand that scientists work from the assumption that the universe is a single system in which the basic rules are the same everywhere ? that basic principles for genetics apply to all organisms.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

S.2.GLE.9: Evolution occurs as the heritable characteristics of populations change across generations and can lead populations to become better adapted to their environment

S.2.GLE.9.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.2.GLE.9.IQ.1: How do subtle differences among closely-related fossil species provide evidence of environmental change and speciation?

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

S.2.GLE.9.IQ.4: How does modern agriculture affect biodiversity?

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

S.2.GLE.9.RA: Relevance and Application:

S.2.GLE.9.RA.2: Human activities can generate selective pressures on organisms, such as breeding new kinds of dogs and improving livestock.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Pond Ecosystem

S.3: Earth Systems Science

S.3.GLE.1: The history of the universe, solar system and Earth can be inferred from evidence left from past events

S.3.GLE.1.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.3.GLE.1.IQ.3: How can we interpret the geologic history of an area?

Plate Tectonics

S.3.GLE.3: The theory of plate tectonics helps explain geological, physical, and geographical features of Earth

S.3.GLE.3.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.3.GLE.3.IQ.1: How do the different types of plate boundaries create different landforms on Earth?

Plate Tectonics

S.3.GLE.3.IQ.3: What drives plate motion?

Plate Tectonics

S.3.GLE.3.N: Nature of Science:

S.3.GLE.3.N.2: Ask testable questions and make a falsifiable hypothesis about plate tectonics and design a method to find an answer.

Plate Tectonics

S.3.GLE.4: Climate is the result of energy transfer among interactions of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere

S.3.GLE.4.IQ: Inquiry Questions:

S.3.GLE.4.IQ.1: How can changes in the ocean create climate change?

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

S.3.GLE.4.IQ.4: How does climate change impact all of Earth?s systems?

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

S.3.GLE.4.RA: Relevance and Application:

S.3.GLE.4.RA.2: Human actions such as burning fossil fuels might impact Earth?s climate.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

S.3.GLE.4.N: Nature of Science:

S.3.GLE.4.N.1: Understand how observations, experiments, and theory are used to construct and refine computer models.

Equilibrium and Concentration

S.3.GLE.6: The interaction of Earth's surface with water, air, gravity, and biological activity causes physical and chemical changes

S.3.GLE.6.RA: Relevance and Application:

S.3.GLE.6.RA.1: Geologic, physical, and topographic maps can be used to interpret surface features.

Building Topographic Maps
Plate Tectonics
Reading Topographic Maps

Correlation last revised: 5/20/2019

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