MA.G.3: Use computational tools and strategies fluently and, when appropriate, use estimation

MA.G.3.1: Use vector addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication to solve problems

Adding Vectors

MA.G.4: Understand attributes, units, and systems of units in measurement; and develop and use techniques, tools, and formulas for measuring

MA.G.4.1: Use right triangle trigonometric ratios to solve for an unknown length of a side or the measure or an angle

Cosine Function
Sine Function
Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Ratios
Tangent Function

MA.G.4.2: Solve problems using the formulas for perimeter, circumference, area, and volume of two- and three- dimensional figures and solids

Area of Parallelograms
Area of Triangles
Circumference and Area of Circles
Perimeter and Area of Rectangles
Prisms and Cylinders
Pyramids and Cones

MA.G.4.3: Determine the effect of dimension changes to perimeter, area, and volume for common geometric figures and solids

Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

MA.G.5: Analyze properties of objects and relationships among the properties

MA.G.5.2: Use the concept of corresponding parts to prove that triangles, and other polygons, are congruent or similar

Congruence in Right Triangles
Proving Triangles Congruent
Similar Figures

MA.G.5.3: Explain properties and characteristics of angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, and parallel lines

Concurrent Lines, Medians, and Altitudes
Constructing Congruent Segments and Angles
Constructing Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Parallel, Intersecting, and Skew Lines
Segment and Angle Bisectors

MA.G.5.4: Use the relationship between pairs of angles (e.g., complementary, supplementary, vertical, exterior, interior) to determine unknown angle measures or definitions of properties

Investigating Angle Theorems
Triangle Angle Sum

MA.G.5.6: Use the relationships among properties of circles (e.g., chords, secants, tangents, arcs, circumference, radius, diameter, inscribed polygons) to solve problems

Chords and Arcs
Inscribed Angles

MA.G.8: Select and use different representational systems, including coordinate geometry

MA.G.8.1: Use coordinate geometry to produce formulas and prove theorems for the midpoint of a line segment, the distance formula, and forms of equations of lines and circles

Distance Formula

MA.G.8.2: Describe the concept of rigid motion on figures in the coordinate plane, including rotation, translation, and reflection

Rotations, Reflections, and Translations

Correlation last revised: 5/10/2018

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