SC.O.8.2.02: examine and describe the structures and functions of cell organelles.

Cell Structure
RNA and Protein Synthesis

SC.O.8.2.03: explain how the circulatory, respiratory and reproductive systems work together in the human body.

Circulatory System

SC.O.8.2.04: compare the variations in cells, tissues and organs of the circulatory, respiratory and reproductive systems of different organisms.

Circulatory System

SC.O.8.2.05: discuss how living cells obtain the essentials of life through chemical reactions of fermentation, respiration and photosynthesis.

Cell Energy Cycle

SC.O.8.2.07: demonstrate the basic principles of genetics; introduce Mendel?s law, monohybrid crosses, production of body and sex cells (mitosis/meiosis), genes, chromosomes, and inherited traits.

Human Karyotyping
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SC.O.8.2.09: organize groups of unknown organisms based on observable characteristics (e.g., create dichotomous keys).

Dichotomous Keys

SC.O.8.2.10: trace matter and energy flow in a food web as it flows from sunlight to producers and consumers, design an environment in which the chemical and energy needs for the growth, reproduction and development of plants are met (e.g., food pyramids, decomposition).

Forest Ecosystem

SC.O.8.2.13: calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons and use the information to construct a Bohr model of the atom.

Element Builder

SC.O.8.2.14: classify elements into their families based upon their valence electrons.

Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

SC.O.8.2.15: evaluate the variations in diffusion rates and examine the effect of changing temperatures.


SC.O.8.2.16: conduct and classify chemical reactions by reaction type (e.g., synthesis, decomposition, single replacement or double replacement); energy type (e.g., endothermic and exothermic); and write word equations for the chemical reactions.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Changes
Chemical Equations

SC.O.8.2.19: explain the Doppler effect (e.g., sound).

Doppler Shift
Longitudinal Waves

SC.O.8.2.21: relate the conservation of energy theory to energy transformations (e.g., electrical/heat, or mechanical/heat).

Air Track
Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

SC.O.8.2.22: quantitatively represent work, power, pressure (e.g., Work=Force x distance, Power=Work/time, or pressure=force/area) from collected data.

Pendulum Clock

SC.O.8.2.23: graph and interpret the relationships of distance versus time, speed versus time, and acceleration versus time.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Free Fall Tower
Free-Fall Laboratory

SC.O.8.2.25: illustrate and calculate the mechanical advantage of simple machines.

Pulley Lab
Wheel and Axle

SC.O.8.2.28: determine the impact of oceans on weather and climate; relate global patterns of atmospheric movement on local weather.

Coastal Winds and Clouds
Hurricane Motion
Weather Maps

SC.O.8.2.29: analyze the forces of tectonics, weathering and erosion that have shaped the earth?s surface.

Plate Tectonics

SC.O.8.2.32: explain phenomena associated with motions in sun-earth-moon system (e.g., eclipses, tides, or seasons).

2D Eclipse
3D Eclipse
Moonrise, Moonset, and Phases
Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Why do we have them?

SC.O.8.3.06: given a current science-technology-societal issue, construct and defend potential solutions.


Correlation last revised: 5/31/2018

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.