2: Develop an understanding of chemical and physical changes, interactions involving energy, and forces that affect motion of objects.

2.b: Categorize types of chemical changes, including synthesis and decomposition reactions, and classify acids and bases using the pH scale and indicators.

Chemical Changes
Chemical Equations
Mystery Powder Analysis
pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

2.c: Compare the force (effort) required to do the same amount of work with and without simple machines (e.g., levers, pulleys, wheel and axle, inclined planes).

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Wheel and Axle

2.d: Describe cause and effect relationships of electrical energy.

2.d.1: Energy transfers through an electric circuit (using common pictures and symbols)

Circuit Builder

2.e: Distinguish how various types of longitudinal and transverse waves (e.g., water, light, sound, seismic) transfer energy.

2.e.1: Frequency

Longitudinal Waves

2.e.2: Wavelength

Longitudinal Waves

2.e.3: Speed

Longitudinal Waves
Ripple Tank

2.e.4: Amplitude

Longitudinal Waves

2.f: Describe the effects of unbalanced forces on the speed or direction of an object?s motion.

2.f.2: Gravity, friction, drag, lift, electric forces, and magnetic forces

Charge Launcher
Force and Fan Carts
Free Fall Tower
Free-Fall Laboratory

3: Distinguish the characteristics of living things and explain the interdependency between form and function using the systems of the human organism to illustrate this relationship.

3.a: Assess how an organism?s chances for survival are influenced by adaptations to its environment.

3.a.1: The importance of fungi as decomposers

Forest Ecosystem

3.d: Compare and contrast reproduction in terms of the passing of genetic information (DNA) from parent to offspring.

3.d.2: Reproduction that accounts for evolutional adaptability of species

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

3.d.4: Historical contributions and significance of discoveries of Gregor Mendel and Thomas Hunt Morgan as related to genetics

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.e: Compare and contrast how organisms obtain and utilize matter and energy.

3.e.1: How organisms use resources, grow, reproduce, maintain stable internal conditions (homeostasis) and recycle waste

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

3.e.2: How plants break down sugar to release stored chemical energy through respiration

Cell Energy Cycle

4: Describe the properties and structure of the sun and the moon with respect to the Earth.

4.c: Describe the causes and effects of heat transfer as it relates to the circulation of ocean currents, atmospheric movement, and global wind patterns (e.g., trade winds, the jet stream). Provide examples of how these global patterns can affect local weather.

4.c.2: Effects on climate in Eastern North America and Western Europe

Coastal Winds and Clouds - Metric

4.d: Conclude why factors, such as lack of resources and climate can limit the growth of populations in specific niches in the ecosystem.

4.d.1: Abiotic factors that affect population, growth, and size (quantity of light, water, range of temperatures, soil compositions)

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Pond Ecosystem
Rabbit Population by Season

4.d.2: Cycles of water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in the environment

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle
Plants and Snails
Water Cycle

4.d.3: Role of single-celled organisms (e.g., phytoplankton) in the carbon and oxygen cycles

Cell Energy Cycle

4.f: Distinguish the structure and movements of objects in the solar system.

4.f.3: Eclipses relative to the position of the sun, moon, and Earth

2D Eclipse
3D Eclipse

4.h: Predict weather events by analyzing clouds, weather maps, satellites, and various data.

Coastal Winds and Clouds - Metric
Hurricane Motion - Metric
Weather Maps - Metric

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.